1200 Words Down, 67 Edits Up

Four more hours working on the photo credits and I have whittled it down from 3800 to 2400 words. Taking out the repetitive details seemed to be the easy part. Working it out so that it seemed intellectually logical, shall I say taxonomic, was the hard part. I still don’t know if I worked it out, but kept taking passes at the list to try to make it look the same. I set some rules for the entries, and then found that I had to break them on some instances. I learned many things in college, but creating a photo credits list wasn’t one of them! Also spent another four hours today going through the color printout looking for edits. All combined, Jennifer and I found about 67 for Justine to tackle this week. Most are for continuity (rectifying the TOC), a few photo edits came up, and lots of periods went missing in the Endnotes. The largest revision will be spreading the Chronology across two two-page spreads instead of four single pages. Justine is going to have to move all the text boxes to facilitate this, but Jennifer and I both think it’ll make her design look even better. My eyes are going blurry from staring at so much text today, so this is it for now. Hope to take a few more passes tomorrow and get this all out the door to get the final rev of the book. Then its off to press.