Dream: For Observation Only

I walk into a train station and see AE playing keyboards in the middle of a bike repair shop. He introduces me to some of the people there and then points to a soft ball that recently went through a window. The power goes out so AE packs up his gear. We walk to the tracks to catch a train. A train pulls up and is full uniformed men. A sign on the side of the train says “for observation only. A second, one-car train arrives behind the other one and we get on.


Three men walk by three men sitting in front of a house. One of the seated men takes a pistol and shoots at the walkers. As the walkers run away, the last walker gets shot in his upper left arm. He sits down in an empty chair. The injured walker looks at his wounded arm and then sticks his right hand into the wound. Either in shock, or not phased from the shooting, he starts a conversation with the sitting men.

May 14, 2011